Book Now - 01439 788913

Terms and Conditions

1.  Agreement – The agreement is for the hire of the property for short term holiday letting and will be formally entered into between the owner and the hirer when the required deposit payment has been received.

2.  Payment – A deposit of 25% of the total cost will secure the booking and needs to be made within 2 weeks of the date the booking is acknowledged by the owner.  The booking will be held for that time but not fully secured until the deposit is received.  The balance of the total will be due for payment 6 weeks before the start of the holiday.  If the booking is made within 6 weeks of the start of the holiday then full amount must be paid.  If the deposit is not paid within 2 weeks then the booking will automatically be forfeited.  Failure to make the full payment of the balance in the time period stated above will result in the booking being cancelled and the deposit forfeited.

3.  Damage Deposit – A fully refundable damage deposit of £100.00 may also be required.  This can be paid at any time before the hire term commences and will be refunded in full within seven days of the end of the hire term.  However, should any damage to the property or contents, beyond reasonable wear and tear, be incurred by the Hirer or excessive additional cleaning be required, the cost of this will be advised to the hirer before being taken from the damage deposit.

4.  Cancellation – The Hirer should notify the owner as soon as possible should the booking need to be cancelled.  For any cancellation over ten weeks from the start of the booking the full deposit will be returned as soon as a replacement booking is obtained.  If no replacement booking can be secured the deposit will be returned less a £25.00 admin fee.  For any cancellation within 6 weeks of the start date of the hire period the owner will make reasonable efforts to re-let the cancelled period by promoting it though the website, mailing list, social media outlets and established linked websites.  Should this be achieved a full refund can be given less £25.00 admin fee.  If it is necessary to reduce the price of the booking to obtain a re-letting or the re-let period has to be shortened in order to secure booking and therefore is cheaper than the original term, the cost of the difference will be retained as well as the £25 admin fee.  Should it not be possible to re-let the booking the full amount will be retained.  Hirers are strongly encouraged to have holiday insurance to cover this eventuality.  The letting is made on the basis that the property is fit for purpose.  In the unlikely event that the property is damaged and deemed uninhabitable then the owner reserves the right to cancel the booking with a full refund.

5.  Hirers Responsibilities – The hirer is responsible for the property hired and is expected to take care of it.  Please leave all equipment and utensils etc, and the property itself, clean and tidy at the end of your stay.  All damages/breakages should be reported as soon as they occur.  The owner reserves the right to charge for any serious damage/breakages/extra cleaning which is deemed outside the normal wear and tear and the Hirers are deemed jointly and severally liable.  See damage deposit above.  The hirer is requested to adhere to the requests and instructions in the property.  Whilst these are kept to a minimum the no smoking policy must be adhered to.  The Hirer must not use the property or all its use for any dangerous, offensive, excessively noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the property neighbours.  This would be deemed a serious breach of the terms of the Agreement and the owner has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in this instance.

6.  Owners Responsibilities – The owner is responsible for ensuring the property is supplied to the Hirer clean and with all the appliances/furniture in proper working order.  The owner is also responsible for dealing with any problems, equipment malfunction etc as they occur and will make best efforts to remedy any problems that occur during your stay.

7.  Arrival and Departure – The property will be ready for your arrival after 3pm and needs to be vacated by 10am on your day of departure to allow for a full clean and changeover, unless otherwise agreed with the owner.  Earlier arrivals and later departures are sometimes possible but this will depend on adjacent bookings and is at the discretion of the owner.

8.  Numbers of people occupying the property – Under no circumstances may more people stay at the property than there are beds.  This is an important insurance requirement.  The number of guests in the original booking confirmed by the owner cannot be exceeded without notification to the owner before the commencement of the hire period.

9.  Keys and Directions – Key and arrival arrangements need to be confirmed by the hirer to the owner by telephone or email 72 hours before the commencement of the hire period.

10. Fuel, Electricity and Spare Bedding –Electricity, Water and Oil charges are included in the cost of the rent excluding any charging of cars.  Charging of cars from a household socket within the cottages is totally forbidden and is a serious fire risk.  If a change of bedding is required within your stay, there will be a charge of £25.00 per set of linen; this can be paid on the request of the new bedding.

11. No fireworks or lanterns are allowed at the property due to the close proximity of farm animals and their straw bedding.

12. Complaints – In the unlikely event of a complaint it must be brought immediately to the attention of the owner who will endeavour to rectify the problem as soon as possible, to ensure continued enjoyment of your holiday.

Terms and Conditions for Pet Owners

1.  Dogs must not be left unattended at the property unless you are confident your dog will settle if left alone in a strange place or in a crate.  We have two large crates for you to borrow if needed.  There is also an outdoor kennel and run which is available for use.  It is approximately 5ft x 10ft, please bring your own padlock.  Dogs are left at their owners own risk, we will not accept responsibility for any damage or loss.

2.  Dogs are not allowed in the bedrooms for the comfort of future guests, we provide up to three dog beds for your pets.

3.  Dogs can curl up with you on the sofas but please use the throws provided.

4.  Dogs can run free in our enclosed garden, but must be on a lead elsewhere due to the farm animals.

5.  Please clean up after your dog – both inside and out.

6.  Any damage caused by your pet whilst staying at the property is the Hirers full responsibility and you will be billed for any damage caused.

7.  When walking in the surrounding area we ask you to respect the Countryside Code.

8.  It is recommended that the Hirer is covered by both personal holiday insurance and pet insurance.