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Dark Skies

We’re officially one of the best places in the country to see stars, because of the low light pollution levels and clear horizons. In December 2020, The North York Moors National Park were designated an International Dark Sky Reserve by the International Dark-Sky Association. You can use our deckchairs, throws, binoculars and star charts to see them from the back garden or have a look at what events are on nearby. There are many locations nearby to capture that stunning night sky photograph.

Planing your Dark Skies Holiday

To plan and make the most of your stay you can check the following apps, taking into consideration the time of year and moon cycle. For what to look out for in 2021 visit Dark Skies UK. Aurora Alert predicts possible displays of the Northern Lights in your area. Meteor Shower Calendar tells you when showers are due and if the moon will spoil the view. A great app to use once you are here is Google Skymap. We will offer advice and information to help you star gaze in the North York Moors National Park. If you can’t make it this year to stay here, take a look at the Dark Skies Festival from your home, which for 2021 is also paying particular attention to the nocturnal wildlife too.

Nature within the North York Moors National Park

Whether you’re looking to explore moorland, coast, rivers or woodland, the North York Moors National Park is rich in heritage and wildlife. Discover more here from the wonder of ancient trees to our wild birds of prey.

Yorkshire Arboretum

Wander off to explore peaceful hidden glades and wildflower meadows, let the children go wild in the stunning landscape of parkland, lakes and ponds. Visit their website for more information.

Local Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves

We have three Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves near to us. These are at Garbutt Wood, Ashberry and Birch Wood. Some the finest ancient woodlands in Yorkshire, where the habitats within the nature reserve are heavily influenced by the underlying geology of the site. Visit this page of their website for more information.

Planning your Nature Spotting Holiday

Apart from your warm clothes you may want to download some useful apps or take a look at what to spot at a certain time of year. The North York Moors National Park has a useful Nature Calendar which can help inform you what you may expect to see. We also have many spotters guides and binoculars for both young and old to use. For bird spotting try Birds of Britain. For mushroom identification try British Mushroom Identification. For tree identification try Forest Tree Identification. For identifying animal tracks try i Track Wildlife. You can also pre-book many wildlife watching adventures, take a look here.